190-00357-00 Rev C
Nearest Airports
Nearest Airport Page
The Nearest Airport Page displays the identifier,
symbol, bearing and distance to the 25 nearest airports
(within 200 nautical miles of your present position).
For each airport listed, the Nearest Airport Page also
indicates the best available approach, common traf-
fic advisory frequency (CTAF) and the length of the
longest runway.
The Nearest Airport Page can be configured to
exclude shorter runways or undesirable runway
surface types, so that the corresponding airports do
not appear on the list. You may wish to use this feature
to exclude seaplane bases or runway lengths which
would be difficult or impossible to land upon.
The Nearest Airport Page may be used to quickly
tune the COM transceiver (GNS 530W only) to a
nearby airport. The selected frequency is placed in the
standby field of the COM window and activated using
the COM flip-flop key.
Airport Identifier,
Symbol, Bearing To
and Distance To
Tower or CTAF
Frequency and
Longest Runway
Best Available
First Page in
NRST Group
Scroll Bar
To quickly tune the common traffic advisory fre-
quency (CTAF) from the Nearest Airport Page (GNS
530W only):
1. Select the Nearest Airport Page.
2. Press the small right knob to activate the
3. Turn the large right knob to scroll through the
list, highlighting the COM frequency associated
with the desired airport.
To quickly tune to a frequency on the Nearest
Airport Page, highlight the desired frequency
and press ENT.
4. Press ENT to place the selected frequency in
the standby field of the COM window.
5. Press the COM flip-flop key to activate the
selected frequency.
Press the COM flip-flop key to activate the
selected frequency.