190-00357-00 Rev C
Creating User Waypoints
The following descriptions and abbreviations
appear on the User Waypoint Page:
•REFWPT— Referencewaypointidentier
•RAD— Radialfromreferencewaypoint,
in degrees magnetic or degrees
true (depending upon unit con-
•DIS— Distancefromreference
waypoint, in nautical miles/stat-
ute miles/kilometers (depending
upon unit configuration)
•Position— Latitude/Longitude(degrees/
minutes or degrees/minutes/sec-
onds), MGRS or UTM/UPS
User waypoints may only be selected by name
Creating User Waypoints
User waypoints may be created from the User
Waypoint Page or the Map Page. To create a new
user waypoint, simply enter its name (identifier) and
position, or reference another waypoint by radial and
To create a new user waypoint by entering its
latitude/longitude position:
1. With the User Waypoint Page displayed, press
the small right knob to activate the cursor.
2. Use the small and large right knobs to enter
a name for the new waypoint and press ENT.
Your present position appears in the position
field at the bottom of the page. To create a
waypoint at your present position, turn the
large right knob to highlight “Create?” and
skip to step #6.
Use the small and large right knobs to enter
a name for the new waypoint. When you
press ENT, your present position automati-
cally appears in the “Position” field.
3. Turn the large right knob to highlight the
position field at the bottom of the page.
To enter a different position, highlight the
position field and use the small and large
right knobs to enter the new position
4. Use the small and large right knobs to enter the
position coordinates for the new waypoint.
5. Press ENT to accept the selected position.
6. The cursor moves to “Create?”. Press ENT to
add the new waypoint to memory.
7. Press the small right knob to remove the
flashing cursor.