190-00357-00 Rev C
Waypoint already exists — The name you have entered
for a user waypoint already exists in memory.
Waypoint(s) have been replaced — One or more user
waypoints were updated during a unit-to-unit crossfill
Waypoint memory is full — You have used all 1000 user
unwanted waypoints to make room for new entries.
Turn Advisory and Arrival Annunciations
The following annunciator messages may appear in the
lower right corner of the 500W-series unit display:
Arriving at waypoint — Arriving at the destination
waypoint for the active leg.
Hold direct — “Direct”holdingpatternentry.
Hold parallel — “Parallel” holding pattern entry.
Hold teardrop — “Teardrop” holding pattern entry.
Left to xxx° in xx sec — Turn advisory. Turn to the indi-
cated heading by the time shown.
Left to xxx° now — Turn advisory. Turn to the indicated
heading by the time shown.
Next DTK xxx° in xx sec — Waypoint alert. Prepare to
turn to the indicated heading upon waypoint passage.
PTK end in xx sec — Parallel Offset is terminating.
Right to xxx° in xx sec — Turn advisory. Turn to the
indicated heading by the time shown.
Right to xxx° now — Turn advisory. Turn to the indicated
heading by the time shown.