Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
show call active
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
Tele <int>: tx:<tot>/<v>/<fax>ms <codec> noise:<l> acom:<l> i/o:<l>/<l> dBm
1 : 22021hs.1 +2263 pid:0 Answer wook song active
tx:0/0 rx:0/41190
IP AcceptedMime:2 DiscardedMime:1
1 : 23193hs.1 +1091 pid:3469 Originate 527.... active
tx:10/13838 rx:0/0
Tele : tx:31200/10910/20290ms noise:-1 acom:-1 i/0:0/0 dBm
Table 27 provides an alphabetical listing of the fields displayed in the output from the show call active
command and a description of each field.
Table 27 show call active Field Descriptions
Field Description
ACOM Level Current ACOM level for this call. ACOM is the combined loss achieved
by the echo canceler, which is the sum of the Echo Return Loss, Echo
Return Loss Enhancement, and nonlinear processing loss for the call.
Buffer Drain Events Total number of jitter buffer drain events.
Buffer Fill Events Total number of jitter buffer fill events.
CallDuration Length of the call in hours, minutes, and seconds, hh:mm:ss.
CallOrigin Call origin: answer or originate.
CallState Current state of the call.
ChargedUnits Total number of charging units that apply to this peer since system
startup. The unit of measure for this field is hundredths of second.
CodecBytes Payload size in bytes for the codec used.
CoderTypeRate Negotiated coder rate. This value specifies the send rate of voice or fax
compression to its associated call leg for this call.
ConnectionId Global call identifier for this gateway call.
ConnectTime Time at which the call was connected.
Total number of consecutive (two or more) packet-loss events.
Corrected packet-loss
Total number of packet loss events that were corrected using the
RFC 2198 method.
Dial-Peer Tag of the dial peer sending this call.
ERLLevel Current Echo Return Loss (ERL) level for this call.
FaxTxDuration Duration of fax transmission from this peer to the voice gateway for this
call. You can derive the Fax Utilization Rate by dividing the
FaxTxDuration value by the TxDuration value.
GapFillWithInterpolation Duration of a voice signal played out with a signal synthesized from
parameters, or samples of data preceding and following in time because
voice data was lost or not received in time from the voice gateway for this
GapFillWithRedundancy Duration of a voice signal played out with a signal synthesized from
available redundancy parameters because voice data was lost or not
received in time from the voice gateway for this call.