Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
server trigger
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
server trigger
To configure a static server trigger for external applications, use the server trigger command in
gatekeeper configuration mode. To remove a single statically configured trigger entry, use the no form
of this command. To remove every static trigger you configured if you want to delete them all, use the
all keyword.
server trigger {arq | lcf | lrj | lrq | rrq | urq} gkid priority server-id server-ipaddress server-port
no server trigger {arq | lcf | lrj | lrq | rrq | urq} gkid priority
no server trigger all
Syntax Description
Defaults No server triggers are set.
Command Modes Gatekeeper configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use this command to configure a static server trigger. There are six different server triggers—one for
each of the RAS messages. To configure a trigger, go to its submode where a set of subcommands are
used to trigger a condition. See the following examples.
In ARQ submode, enter the following syntax:
server trigger arq gkid priority server-id server-ipaddress server-port
all Specified to delete all command-line interface configured triggers.
arq, lcf, lrj, lrq, rrq, urq Registration, admission, and status (RAS) protocol message types. Use
these message types to specify a submode in the gatekeeper
configuration mode in which you configure a trigger for the gatekeeper
to act upon. Specify only one message type per server trigger command.
There is a different trigger submode for each message type. Each trigger
submode has its own set of applicable commands.
gkid The local gatekeeper identifier.
priority The priority for each trigger. The range is from 1 through 20, with 1
being the highest priority.
server-id The ID number of the external application.
server-ipaddress The IP address of the server.
server-port The port on which the Cisco IOS gatekeeper listens for messages from
the external server connection.
Release Modification
12.1(1)T This command was introduced on the Cisco 2500 series, Cisco 2600
series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco 7200 series routers and on the
Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator.