Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
sgcp restart
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
Related Commands Command Description
sgcp Starts and allocates resources for the SGCP daemon.
sgcp call-agent Defines the IP address of the default SGCP call agent.
sgcp graceful-shutdown Gracefully terminates all SGCP activity.
sgcp max-waiting-delay Sets the SGCP maximum waiting delay to prevent restart
sgcp modem passthru Enables SGCP modem or fax pass-through.
sgcp quarantine-buffer
Disables the SGCP quarantine buffer.
sgcp request retries Specifies the number of times to retry sending “notify” and “delete”
messages to the SGCP call agent.
sgcp request timeout Specifies how long the system should wait for a response to a
sgcp retransmit timer Configures the SGCP retransmission timer to use a random
algorithm method.
sgcp timer Configures how the gateway detects the RTP stream host.
sgcp tse payload Enables Inband Tse for fax/modem operation.