Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
ring number
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
ring number
To specify the number of rings for a specified Foreign Exchange Office (FXO) voice port, use the ring
number command in voice-port configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this
ring number number
no ring number number
Syntax Description
Defaults One ring
Command Modes Voice-port configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use the ring number command to set the maximum number of rings to be detected before answering a
call over an FXO voice port. Use the no form of this command to reset the default value, which is one
Normally, this command should be set to the default so that incoming calls are answered quickly. If you
have other equipment available on the line to answer incoming calls, you might want to set the value
higher to give the equipment sufficient time to respond. In that case, the FXO interface would answer if
the equipment online did not answer the incoming call in the configured number of rings.
This command is not applicable to Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) or E&M interfaces because they do
not receive ringing on incoming calls.
Examples The following example on the Cisco 3600 series sets five rings as the maximum number of rings to be
detected before closing a connection over this voice port:
voice-port 1/0/0
ring number 5
The following example on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator sets five rings as the maximum
number of rings to be detected before closing a connection over this voice port:
voice-port 1/1
ring number 5
number Number of rings detected before answering the call. Valid entries are
numbers from 1 to 10. The default is 1.
Release Modification
11.3(1)T This command was introduced on the Cisco 3600 series router.