Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
show voice permanent-call
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
Related Commands
RX INFO:missing Indicates the number of FRF.11 Annex B packets that were counted as
missing based on checking Annex B sequence numbers.
RX INFO:out of seq Number of FRF.11 Annex B packets that were counted as received in the
wrong order based on checking Annex B sequence numbers.
RX INFO:very late Number of FRF.11 Annex B packets that were received with a sequence
number significantly different from the expected sequence number.
RX INFO:playout depth Valid for fast-mode only. Shows the current FRF.11 Annex B signaling
buffer playout depth in milliseconds.
RX INFO:refill count Indicates the number of times the FRF.11 Annex B signaling playout
buffer was refilled as a result of a slow-mode to fast-mode transition.
RX INFO:prev-seq# Sequence number of the last FRF.11 Annex B signaling packet received.
RX INFO:last-ABCD Last ABCD signaling bit pattern sent to the attached PBX (telephone
network side). In the out-of-service condition, this will show the OOS
pattern being sent to the PBX.
RX INFO:slave standby
Value configured using the signal timing oos standby command for the
applicable voice class permanent entry.
max inter-arrival time Maximum interval between the arrival of fast-mode FRF.11 Annex B
packets since the last time this parameter was displayed.
current timer Time, in milliseconds, since the last signaling packet was received.
max timeout timer Maximum value of the “current timer” parameter since the last time it
was displayed.
restart timeout Connection restart timeout value.
signaling packet fast-mode
inter-arrival time
Shows the last several values of the fast-mode FRF.11 Annex B
signaling packet inter-arrival time.
signaling playout history Shows recent ABCD signaling bits received from the data network.
Table 63 show voice permanent-call Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description
Command Description
show frame-relay
Displays Frame Relay fragmentation details.
show frame-relay pvc Displays statistics about PVCs for Frame Relay interfaces.
show frame-relay vofr Displays details about FRF.11 subchannels being used on Voice over
Frame Relay DLCIs.