Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
Related Commands Command Description
destination-pattern Specifies either the prefix, the full E.164 telephone number, or an
ISDN directory number (depending on the dial plan) to be used for a
dial peer.
dial-peer voice Enters dial-peer configuration mode, defines the type of dial peer, and
defines the tag number associated with a dial peer.
no call-waiting Disables call waiting.
port (dial-peer) Enables an interface on a PA-4R-DTR port adapter to operate as a
concentrator port.
Specifies a delay in which a telephone port can be rung after a previous
call is disconnected (for Cisco 800 series routers).
ring Sets up a distinctive ring for telephones, fax machines, or modems
connected to a Cisco 800 series router.
show dial-peer voice Displays configuration information and call statistics for dial peers.