
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
show sgcp statistics
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
show sgcp statistics
To see global statistics for the SGCP packet count, success and failure counts, and other information, use
the show sgcp statistics command in EXEC mode.
show sgcp statistics
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Defaults No default behavior or values.
Command Modes EXEC
Command History
Examples The following example shows SGCP packet statistics being displayed:
Router# show sgcp statistics
UDP pkts rx 5, tx 13
Unrecognized rx pkts 0, SGCP message parsing errors 0
Duplicate SGCP ack tx 0
Failed to send SGCP messages 0
CreateConn rx 1, successful 1, failed 0
DeleteConn rx 0, successful 0, failed 0
ModifyConn rx 0, successful 0, failed 0
DeleteConn tx 0, successful 0, failed 0
NotifyRequest rx 3, successful 3, failed 0
Notify tx 3, successful 3, failed 0
ACK tx 4, NACK tx 0
ACK rx 1, NACK rx 0
IP address based Call Agents statistics:
IP address, Total msg rx 5,
successful 5, failed 2
The following examples show how you can filter the command return for specific information:
Router# show sgcp statistics | begin Failed
Failed to send SGCP messages 0
CreateConn rx 0, successful 0, failed 0
DeleteConn rx 0, successful 0, failed 0
Release Modification
12.0(7)XK Support for this command was extended to the Cisco MC3810
multiservice concentrator and the Cisco 3600 series routers (except for
the Cisco 3620) in a private release that was not generally available.
12.0(5)T This command was introduced in a private release on the Cisco AS5300
universal access server only and was not generally available.