Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
show rlm group statistics
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
Server Link Group[r2-server]:
Open the link [,]:
last time occurred at 02:46:06.724, success=0(0%), failure=1
avg=0.000s, max=0.000s, min=0.000s, latest=0.000s
Echo over link [,]:
last time occurred at 02:47:18.724, success=0(0%), failure=85
avg=0.000s, max=0.000s, min=0.000s, latest=0.000s
Open the link [,]:
last time occurred at 02:46:06.724, success=0(0%), failure=1
avg=0.000s, max=0.000s, min=0.000s, latest=0.000s
Echo over link [,]:
last time occurred at 02:47:18.724, success=0(0%), failure=85
avg=0.000s, max=0.000s, min=0.000s, latest=0.000s
Table 51 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 51 show rlm group statistics Field Descriptions
Field Description
Link_up Statistics collected when RLM group is in link up state.
total transition Total number of transitions into a particular RLM group state.
avg How long the average time interval lasts.
max How long the maximum time interval lasts.
min How long the minimum time interval lasts.
latest How long the most recent time interval lasts.
Link_down Statistics collected when RLM group is in the link down state.
Link_recovered Statistics collected when RLM group is in the link recovery
Link_switched Statistics collected when RLM group is in the link switching
Server_changed Statistics collected for when and how many times RLM server
failover happens.
Server Link Group[r1-server] Statistics collected for those signaling links defined under a
particular server link group, for example, r1-server.
Open the link Statistics collected when a particular signaling link connection
is open (broken).
Echo over link Statistics collected when a particular signaling link connection
is established.