Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
show call active
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
GapFillWithPrediction Duration of the voice signal played out with signal synthesized from
parameters, or samples of data preceding in time, because voice data was
lost or not received in time from the voice gateway for this call. Examples
of such pullout are frame-eraser or frame-concealment strategies in
G.729 and G.723.1 compression algorithms.
GapFillWithSilence Duration of a voice signal replaced with silence because voice data was
lost or not received in time for this call.
HiWaterPlayoutDelay High-water mark Voice Playout FIFO Delay during this call.
Index Dial peer identification number.
InfoActivity Active information transfer activity state for this call.
InfoType Information type for this call, for example, voice or fax.
InSignalLevel Active input signal level from the telephony interface used by this call.
Last Buffer Drain/Fill
Time since the last jitter buffer drain or fill event, in seconds.
LogicalIfIndex Index number of the logical interface for this call.
LoWaterPlayoutDelay Low water mark Voice Playout FIFO Delay during this call.
Modem passthrough
signaling method in use
Indicates that this is a modem pass-through call and that named signaling
events (NSEs)—also called telephone-events in RFC 2833—are used for
signaling codec upspeed. The upspeed method is the method used to
dynamically change the codec type and speed to meet network
conditions. This means that you might move to a faster codec when you
have both voice and data calls and then slow down when there is only
voice traffic.
NoiseLevel Active noise level for this call.
OnTimeRvPlayout Duration of voice playout from data received on time for this call. Derive
the Total Voice Playout Duration for Active Voice by adding the
OnTimeRvPlayout value to the GapFill values.
OutSignalLevel Active output signal level to the telephony interface used by this call.
PeerAddress Destination pattern or number associated with this peer.
PeerId ID value of the peer table entry to which this call was made.
PeerIfIndex Voice port index number for this peer. For ISDN media, this would be the
index number of the B channel used for this call.
PeerSubAddress Subaddress when this call is connected.
Percent Packet Loss Total percent packet loss.
ReceiveBytes Number of bytes received by the peer during this call.
ReceiveDelay Average Playout FIFO Delay plus the Decoder Delay during this voice
ReceivePackets Number of packets received by this peer during this call.
RemoteIPAddress Remote system IP address for the VoIP call.
RemoteUDPPort Remote system UDP listener port to which voice packets are sent.
Table 27 show call active Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description