Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
show gatekeeper zone status
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
Table 44 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
Table 44 show gatekeeper zone status Field Descriptions
Field Description
GK name The gatekeeper name (also known as zone name), which is truncated
after 12 characters in the display.
Domain Name The domain with which the gatekeeper is associated.
RAS Address The registration, admission, and status (RAS) protocol address of
the gatekeeper.
FLAGS Displays the following information:
• S = static (CLI-configured, not DNS-discovered)
• L = local
• R = remote
MAX-BW The maximum bandwidth for the zone, in kbps.
CUR-BW The current bandwidth in use, in kbps.
SUBNET ATTRIBUTES A list of subnets controlled by the local gatekeeper.
Inbound and outbound proxy policies as configured for the local
gatekeeper (or zone).
Command Description
show gatekeeper calls Displays the status of each ongoing call of which a gatekeeper is
show gatekeeper endpoints Displays the status of all registered endpoints for a gatekeeper.
show gateway Displays the current gateway status.