Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
show settlement
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
The following example shows transaction and state information about a specific settlement server:
Router# show settlement 0 transactions
Transaction ID=8796304133625270342
state=OSPC_GET_DEST_SUCCESS, index=0
callingNumber=5710868, calledNumber=15125551212
Table 54 describes the significant fields shown in the display. The provider attributes not configured are
not shown.
Related Commands
Table 54 show settlement Field Descriptions
Field Description
type Settlement provider type.
address url URL address of the provider.
encryption SSL encryption method.
max-connections Maximum number of concurrent connections to provider.
connection-timeout Connection timeout with provider (in seconds).
response-timeout Response timeout with provider (in seconds).
retry-delay Delay time between retries (in seconds).
retry-limit Number of retries.
session-timeout SSL session timeout (in seconds).
customer-id Customer ID, assigned by provider.
device-id Device ID, assigned by provider.
roaming Roaming enabled.
signed-token Indicates if the settlement token is signed by the server.
Command Description
connection-timeout Configures the time that a connection is maintained after a
communication exchange is completed.
customer-id Identifies a carrier or ISP with a settlement provider.
device-id Specifies a gateway associated with a settlement provider.
encryption Sets the encryption method to be negotiated with the provider.
max-connection Sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections to be used
for communication with a settlement provider.
response-timeout Configures the maximum time to wait for a response from a server.
retry-delay Sets the time between attempts to connect with the settlement
session-timeout Sets the interval for closing the connection when there is no input
or output traffic.
settlement Enters settlement configuration mode and specifies the attributes
specific to a settlement provider.
type Configures an SAA-RTR operation type.