Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
show atm video-voice address
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
show atm video-voice address
To display the network service access point (NSAP) address for the ATM interface, enter the show atm
video-voice address command in privileged EXEC mode.
show atm video-voice address
Syntax Description This command has no keywords or arguments.
Defaults No default behavior or values.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines Enter this command to review ATM interface NSAP addresses that have been assigned with the atm
video aesa command and to ensure that ATM management is confirmed for those addresses.
Examples On a Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator, the following example displays ATM interface NSAP
Router# show atm video-voice address
nsap address type ilmi status
47.0091810000000002F26D4901.00107B4832E1.FE VOICE_AAL5 Confirmed
47.0091810000000002F26D4901.00107B4832E1.C8 VIDEO_AAL1 Confirmed
Related Commands
Release Modification
12.0(5)XK This command was introduced for the Cisco MC3810 multiservice
12.0(7)T Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5)XK was integrated into Cisco IOS Release
Command Description
codec aal2-profile Sets the codec profile for a DSP on a per-call basis.