Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
show voice port
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
InterDigit Pulse Duration Timing Pulse dialing interdigit timing, in milliseconds.
Interdigit Time Out Amount of time the system waits for a subsequent input digit
from the caller.
Maintenance Mode Maintenance mode of the voice port.
Maximum Playout Delay The amount of time before the Cisco MC3810 multiservice
concentrator DSP starts to discard voice packets from the
digital signal processor (DSP) buffer.
Music On Hold Threshold Configured Music-On-Hold Threshold value for this interface.
Noise Regeneration Whether or not background noise should be played to fill silent
gaps if VAD is activated.
Nominal Playout Delay The amount of time the Cisco MC3810 multiservice
concentrator DSP waits before starting to play out the voice
packets from the DSP buffer.
Non-Linear Processing Whether or not nonlinear processing is enabled for this port.
Number of signaling protocol errors Number of signaling protocol errors.
Operations State Operation state of the port.
Operation Type Operation of the E&M signal: two-wire or four-wire.
Out Attenuation Amount of attenuation inserted at the transmit side of the
Out Seizure Outgoing seizure state of the E&M interface.
Port Port number for this interface associated with the voice
interface card.
Pulse Rate Timing Pulse dialing rate, in pulses per second (pps).
Region Tone Configured regional tone for this interface.
Ring Active Status Ring active indication.
Ring Cadence Configured ring cadence for this interface.
Ring Frequency Configured ring frequency for this interface.
Ring Ground Status Ring ground indication.
Ringing Time Out Ringing timeout duration.
Signal Type Type of signaling for a voice port: loop-start, ground-start,
wink-start, immediate, and delay-dial.
Slot Slot used in the voice interface card for this port.
Sub-unit Subunit used in the voice interface card for this port.
Tip Ground Status Tip ground indication.
Type of VoicePort Type of voice port: FXO, FXS, or E&M.
The Interface Down Failure Cause Text string describing why the interface is down,
Voice Activity Detection Whether Voice Activity Detection is enabled or disabled.
Table 64 show voice port Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description