Front-Panel Overview
To set the vertical expand reference for the analog signal
To set the vertical expand reference for the analog signal
When changing the volts/division for analog channels, you can have the signal
expand (or compress) about the signal ground point or about the center
graticule on the display. This works well with two signals displayed, because
you can position and see them both on the screen while you change the
• To expand the signal about the center graticule of the display, press the Utility
key, press the Options softkey, then press the Expand softkey and select
Expand About Center.
With Expand About Center selected, when you turn the volts/division, the
waveform with expand or contract about the center graticule of the display.
• To expand the signal about the position of the channel’s ground, press the
Utility key, press the Options softkey. Then press the Expand softkey and
select Expand About Ground.
With Expand About Ground selected, when you turn the volts/division knob,
the ground level of the waveform remains at the same point on the display,
while the non-ground portions of the waveform expand or contract.
To set analog channel probe attenuation factor
If you have an AutoProbe self-sensing probe (such as the 10073C or 10074C)
connected to the analog channel, the oscilloscope will automatically configure
your probe to the correct attenuation factor.
If you do not have an AutoProbe probe connected, you can press the channel
key, then press the Probe submenu softkey, then turn the Entry knob to
set the attenuation factor for the connected probe. The attenuation factor can
be set from 0.1:1 to 1000:1 in a 1-2-5 sequence.
The probe correction factor must be set properly for measurements to be made