16 Operation
15914 (Rev. 3/23/2007)
Connect cutter driveline to tractor PTO shaft, making
sure the spring-activated locking pin slides freely and is
seated firmly in tractor PTO spline groove.
Adjust H-frame bearing height to ensure front driveline
is parallel to ground.
Remove parking jack from tongue. Attach to frame rail
storage with top forward. Always attach jack to tongue
to hold it up when disconnecting it from tractor.
Adjust drive shaft carrier bearing (2), Figure 6, verti-
cally in H-frame until driveline is as straight as possible
between tractor PTO and cutter gearbox.
Cutting Height Adjustment for D80 Pull-
Type Cutter
Place tractor and cutter on a level surface.
Cutting height is raised and lowered with height adjust-
ment crank (3) or optional hydraulic cylinder. Front to
rear attitude is set with the compression link (1). See
Figure 6.
The blade is approximately 9-1/4" below cutter deck.
Select a cutting height, EXAMPLE 3".
Raise front end of deck with a jack to take the compres-
sion member (1) out of compression and remove the
bolt connecting it to the tongue.
Raise front end of deck until both sides are 12-1/4"
above the ground and block underneath to maintain
this distance.
Raise rear end of deck until it is from 13-3/4" to 14"
above the ground.
Connect compression member (1) to tongue. It may be
necessary to raise or lower rear of deck to align hole.
Remove the blocks from under the deck and position
each side skid 1/2" above the ground.
This complete procedure must be followed to properly
set a new cutting height. Raising rear of deck with
crank without changing the compression link position
will result in an incorrect front-to-rear attitude setting.
Figure 6. Cutting Height Adjustment - D80
(Pull-Type Model)
(Owner’s Responsibility)
___ Check that cutter is properly and securely
attached to tractor.
___ Make sure driveline spring-activated locking pin
slides freely and is seated firmly in tractor PTO
spline groove.
___ On pull-type cutter, make sure the pin to prevent
crank detachment is installed.
___ Set tractor PTO at 540 rpm.
___ Make sure gearbox is full to fill plug with SAE
90W gear lube.
___ Lubricate all grease fitting locations.
___ Check that all hardware is properly installed and
___ Check to ensure blades are sharp and secure
and cutting edge is positioned to lead in a
counter-clockwise rotation.
___ Check that all shields and guards are properly
installed and in good condition.
___ Check cutting height and attitude adjustment.
___ Place tractor PTO and transmission in neutral
before attempting to start engine.
___ Inspect area to be cut and remove stones,
branches or other hard objects that might be
thrown, causing injury or damage.
___ Inspect chain shielding and replace any damaged
or missing links.
Cutter operating power is supplied from tractor PTO.
Refer to your tractor manual for PTO engagement and
disengagement instructions. Always operate PTO at
540 rpm. Know how to stop tractor and cutter quickly in
case of an emergency.
When engaging PTO, the engine rpm should always be
low. Once engaged and ready to start cutting, raise
PTO speed to 540 rpm and maintain throughout cutting
Proper ground speed will depend upon the height, type
and density of material to be cut.
Normally, ground speed will range from 2 to 5 mph. Tall
dense material should be cut at a low speed, while thin
medium-height material can be cut at a higher ground
Always operate PTO at 540 rpm; this is necessary to
maintain proper blade speed and produce a clean cut.
1. Compression member
2. Carrier bearing
3. Adjustment crank