Instruction Manual Clarity II T56
PN-51-T56 May 2012
22 Programming Basics
5. To enter setpoints for relays, enter the desired value for the process measurement
or temperature at which to activate an alarm event and press ENTER/MENU.
6. To set deadband as a measurement value, enter the change in the process value needed
after the relay deactivates to return to normal (and thereby preventing
epeated alarm activation) and press ENTER/MENU.
7. To set the Normal alarm condition, select Open or Closed and press ENTER/MENU.
Program the normal state to define the desired alarm default state to normally
open or normally closed upon power up.
8. To set USP Safety, enter the percentage below the limit at which to activate the alarm and
press ENTER/MENU. NOTE: USP Safety only appears if a contacting
conductivity board is installed.
This section provides details to simulate
relay action. To simulate relays, access the
Program screen by pressing ENTER/MENU
from the main screen and then select the
Relay tab.
To simulate alarm relay conditions,
access the Simulate Relay Action screen
by pressing ENTER/MENU from the main
Relay programming screen.
Alarm relays can be manually set for the
purposes of checking devices such as valves
or pumps. Under the Alarms
Settings menu, this screen will appear to
allow manual forced activation of the
alarm relays. Select the desired alarm
condition to simulate.