Emerson 644 Weather Radio User Manual

Reference Manual
00809-0400-4728, Rev AA
June 2011
Rosemount 644
RB_SFTWR_REV_ALL 51 The string will contains the following fields:
Major rev: 1-3 characters, decimal number 0-255
Minor rev: 1-3 characters, decimal number 0-255
Build rev: 1-5 characters, decimal number 0-255
Time of build: 8 characters, xx:xx:xx, military time
Day of week of build: 3 characters, Sun, Mon,...
Month of build: 3 characters, Jan, Feb.
Day of month of build: 1-2 characters, decimal number 1-31
Year of build: 4 characters, decimal
Builder: 7 characters, login name of builder
RB_SFTWR_REV_BUILD 50 Build of software that the resource block was created with.
RB_SFTWR_REV_MAJOR 48 Major revision of software that the resource block was created with.
RB_SFTWR_REV_MINOR 49 Minor revision of software that the resource block was created with.
RECOMMENDED_ACTION 68 Enumerated list of recommended actions displayed with a device alert.
RESTART 16 Allows a manual restart to be initiated. Several degrees of restart are possible. They are
the following:
1 Run – nominal state when not restarting
2 Restart resource – not used
3 Restart with defaults – set parameters to default values. See
START_WITH_DEFAULTS below for which parameters are set.
4 Restart processor – does a warm start of CPU.
RS_STATE 07 State of the function block application state machine.
SAVE_CONFIG_BLOCKS 62 Number of EEPROM blocks that have been modified since last burn. This value will count
down to zero when the configuration is saved.
SAVE_CONFIG_NOW 61 Allows the user to optionally save all non-volatile information immediately.
SECURITY_IO 65 Status of security switch.
SELF_TEST 59 Instructs resource block to perform self-test. Tests are device specific.
SET_FSTATE 29 Allows the FAIL_SAFE condition to be manually initiated by selecting Set.
SHED_RCAS 26 Time duration at which to give up on computer writes to function block RCas locations.
Shed from RCas shall never happen when SHED_ROUT = 0
SHED_ROUT 27 Time duration at which to give up on computer writes to function block ROut locations.
Shed from ROut shall never happen when SHED_ROUT = 0
SIMULATE_IO 64 Status of simulate switch.
SIMULATE_STATE 66 The state of the simulate switch:
0 = Uninitialized
1 = Switch off, simulation not allowed
2 = Switch on, simulation not allowed (need to cycle jumper/switch)
3 = Switch on, simulation allowed
ST_REV 01 The revision level of the static data associated with the function block.
START_WITH_DEFAULTS 63 0 = Uninitialized
1 = do not power-up with NV defaults
2 = power-up with default node address
3 = power-up with default pd_tag and node address
4 = power-up with default data for the entire communications stack (no application data)
STRATEGY 03 The strategy field can be used to identify grouping of blocks.
SUMMARY_STATUS 56 An enumerated value of repair analysis.
TAG_DESC 02 The user description of the intended application of the block.
TEST_RW 08 Read/write test parameter - used only for conformance testing.
UPDATE_EVT 35 This alert is generated by any change to the static data.
WRITE_ALM 40 This alert is generated if the write lock parameter is cleared.
WRITE_LOCK 34 If set, no writes from anywhere are allowed, except to clear WRITE_LOCK. Block inputs
will continue to be updated.
WRITE_PRI 39 Priority of the alarm generated by clearing the write lock.
XD_OPTIONS 44 Indicates which transducer block licensing options are enabled.
Table C-1. Resource Block Parameters and Descriptions