Chapter 3: Reference
Error Messages
Resume in any action. You do not need to start the timer in the same
sequence level. The timer will still function if not started, but will not
change value.
Trigger function initialization failure
The "trigger function initialization failure" messages mean that you
tried to insert a trigger function which required a change to the trigger
function default state.
Possible Causes
• Tried to insert "Wait for arm in" trigger function
A "Wait for arm in" trigger level causes the logic analyzer to wait for a
signal from another module or Port In. These signals are passed through
the Intermodule Bus. To prevent the logic analyzer from hanging, it must
be added to the Group Run Arming Tree. To do this, open the Intermodule
window by selecting the Intermodule icon in the System window. In the
Intermodule window, select the analyzer icon and select any option except
for Independent.
• Tried to insert "Wait for other machine to trigger" function
A "Wait for the other machine to trigger" trigger level causes the logic
analyzer to wait for a signal from the other logic analyzer machine in the
module. If this machine is not on, the current logic analyzer will hang. To
turn the other machine on, select Pod Assignment under Format. Set the
type of the other machine to State or Timing.
•In Format, no labels have bits assigned to them.
When you insert a trigger function, the logic analyzer sets up a field for you
to enter values. The field length is based on the number of bits assigned to
the first active label, or the label you specify. If there are no bits assigned
to the label, the logic analyzer cannot complete the value field.
See Also Using the Intermodule Window (see the Agilent Technologies 16700A/B-
Series Logic Analysis System help volume)
“To assign probe channels to labels” on page 59