Using the Infiniium DCA
Eye/Mask Mode
Eye/Mask Mode
The Eye/Mask mode allows you to per-
form NRZ (Non-Return to Zero), or RZ
(Return to Zero) eye diagram measure-
ments and eye mask tests. The eye dia-
gram is typically produced by triggering
the instrument with a synchronous
clock signal.
Eye/Mask mode measurements only
work when an eye diagram, and not a
pulse, is present on the screen. Mea-
surements made on a pulse waveform
while in Eye/Mask mode will fail.
Once you are in Eye/Mask mode, press the Autoscale button. This ensures
that an optimum eye diagram is displayed on the graticule. An optimum eye
diagram consists of a full display of the eye in addition to portions of the wave-
form preceding and following the eye.
When you select the Eye/Mask mode, the
measurement toolbars shown here appear.
These measurement toolbars include mea-
surements such as rise time, fall time, jitter,
and extinction ratio, as well as the mask test
start and stop controls.
Eye measurement and mask test results
appear below the display graticule. A maxi-
mum of four eye measurement test results
are displayed and include any failures or
instrument messages that may occur.
To learn more about the Eye/Mask mode and
switching from NRZ to RZ measurement
mode, consult the Help.