Double tapping a sound file (e.g. WAV) causes WavPlay to open the file and run it in the background.
MX3X Command-line Utilities
Command line utilities can be executed by Start | Run | [program name].
Command line utility which performs a cold boot (all RAM is erased).
Passwords are lost upon cold boot. If a password is set, that password must be entered to begin the cold boot power cycle
Command line utility which performs a screen print and saves the file in .BMP format in the \System folder. Tap Start | Run and
type prtscrn and tap OK, or press Enter. There is a 10 second delay before the screen print is made. The device beeps and
screen captured file (scrnnnnn.bmp) is placed in the \System folder. The numeric filename is incremented by 1 each time the
PrtScrn function is activated. The command is not case-sensitive.
API Calls
See Also: LXE CE API Programming Guide
The LXE CE API Programming Guide documents only the LXE-specific API calls for the MX3X. It is intended as an addition to
the standard Microsoft Windows CE API documentation. Details of many of the calls in the LXE guide may be found in
Microsoft’s documentation.
The APIs documented in the programming guide are included in the file LXEAPI.DLL, which is in the standard Windows CE
image on the MX3X.
For ease of software development, the files LXEAPI.H and LXEAPI.LIB are available on the accessories CD, which are the
C/C++ include files and the link library for the DLL, respectively.
A full SDK is now included for Microsoft Embedded Visual C++ 4.0 (which is available free on the Microsoft website).
Access Files on the Flash Card
Click the My Device icon on the Desktop then click the System icon.
A flash card is used for permanent storage of the MX3X drivers, CAB files and utilities. It is also used for registry content back
CAB files, when executed, are not deleted.
Note: Always perform a warm reset (Start / Run / Warmboot) when exchanging one flash card for another.
E-EQ-MX3XRG-W-ARC [ 32 ] MX3X Reference Guide