COM2 Tab
COM2 Tab
Start | Settings | Control Panel | Scanner | COM2
This panel sets communication parameters for any device connected to the external port.
Adjust the settings and click the OK button to save the changes. Any changes take effect immediately.
This panel does not configure the connected device. Please refer to the documentation for the external connected or wireless
device for information on configuring the device.
Power on Pin 9 (+5V) on the MX3X is disabled on the COM2 port.
Important: Do not connect a tethered scanner to a port labeled USB-H or USB-C.
COM3 Tab
Start | Settings | Control Panel | Scanner | COM3
This panel sets communication parameters for any device connected to the external port.
Adjust the settings and click the OK button to save the changes. Any changes take effect immediately.
This panel does not configure the connected device. Please refer to the documentation for the external connected or wireless
device for information on configuring the device.
Important: Do not connect a tethered scanner to a port labeled USB-H or USB-C.
E-EQ-MX3XRG-W-ARC [ 126 ] MX3X Reference Guide