474 DataWindow .NET
about 419
adding to DataWindow objects 213
adding to reports 213
autosizing text 443
changing position of 427
data types of axes 446
default positioning in DataWindow objects 221
default positioning in reports 221
defining properties 440
examples 432
expressions in 444
in DataWindow objects 425
legends in 441
major and minor divisions 447
multiple series 430
names of 440
overlays in 437
parts of 420
rotating text 443
scaling axes 446
selecting data 428
single series 430
sorting series and categories 442
specifying borders 441
specifying categories 429
specifying overlap and spacing of bars and
columns 445
specifying pointers 448
specifying properties of axes 446
specifying rows 429
specifying series 430
specifying type 441
specifying values 430
text properties in 442
titles in 440
types of 421
using display formats 444
using Graph presentation style 439
GraphType property 441
grid lines, graph 448
Grid style
basic properties 173
detail band in 153
displaying grid lines 173
of DataWindow objects 103
reordering columns 166
resizing columns 166
using split horizontal scrolling 167
working in 166
grid, aligning controls in DataWindow objects 215
group box, adding to DataWindow objects 203
GROUP BY criteria 134
group headers, in XML 400
Group presentation style
properties of 274, 361
using 272
in SQL Select 134
restricting 135
groups in DataWindow objects
graphing 429
of rows 270
sorting 281
HAVING criteria 135
header bands, in DataWindow painter 153
header section in XML template 389
heading extended attribute 66
in DataWindow objects 153
specifying fonts in tables 65
height property 307
Help, using 29
HTML Table format, saving data in 169
identity columns, in DataWindow objects 194
import template
about 383
creating and saving 384
defining 409
importing data 90, 163
IN operator, in Quick Select 117
creating 80