CHAPTER 8 Displaying and Validating Data
DataWindow Designer User’s Guide 241
❖ To create a new edit style:
1 In the Database painter, select Object>Insert>Edit Style from the menu
2 In the Edit Style dialog box, select the edit style type from the Style drop-
down list.
3 Specify the properties of the edit style and click OK.
For information, see “Defining edit styles” on page 242.
You can use the new edit style with any column of the appropriate datatype
in the database.
❖ To modify an existing edit style:
1 In the Database painter, open the Extended Attributes view.
2 In the Extended Attributes view, open the list of edit styles.
3 Position the pointer on the Edit style you want to modify, display the pop-
up menu, then select Properties.
4 In the Edit Style dialog box, modify the edit style as desired and click OK.
For information, see “Defining edit styles” on page 242.
You can use the modified edit style with any column of the appropriate
datatype in the database.
❖ To associate an edit style with a column in the Database painter:
1 In the Database painter (Objects view), position the pointer on the column,
select Properties from the pop-up menu, then select the Edit Style tab in
the Properties view.
2 Select a style for the appropriate datatype from the list in the Style Name
DataWindow Designer associates the selected edit style with the column
in the extended attribute system tables.
❖ To remove an edit style from a column in the Database painter:
1 In the Database painter (Objects view), position the pointer on the column,
select Properties from the pop-up menu, then select the Edit Style tab in
the Properties view.
2 Select (None) from the list in the Style Name box.
The edit style is no longer associated with the column.