CHAPTER 4 Defining DataWindow Objects
DataWindow Designer User’s Guide 147
Naming the query
The query name can be any valid DataWindow Designer identifier up to 40
characters. When you name queries, use a unique name to identify each one. A
common convention is to use a two-part name: a standard prefix that identifies
the object as a query (such as
q_) and a unique suffix. For example, you might
name a query that displays employee data
q_emp_data. For information about
DataWindow Designer identifiers, see Appendix A, “Identifiers.”
Modifying a query
❖ To modify a query:
1 Select File>Open from the menu bar.
2 Select the Queries object type and then the query you want to modify, and
click OK.
3 Modify the query as needed.
What's next
After you have generated your DataWindow object, you will probably want to
preview it to see how it looks. After that, you might want to enhance the
DataWindow object in the DataWindow painter before using it. DataWindow
Designer provides many ways for you to make a DataWindow object easier to
use and more informative for users. See Chapter 5, “Enhancing DataWindow
Objects,” next.