Modifying properties conditionally at runtime
292 DataWindow .NET
2 On the Font page in the Properties view, click the button next to the
Escapement property.
3 Enter the number 450 in the Modify Expression dialog box and click OK.
The value entered for font escapement is in tenths of degrees, so the
number 450 means 45 degrees. You do not have to specify a condition.
Typically, you do not specify a condition for control rotation.
The rotation of the controls does not change in the Design view.
4 To see the change, close and reopen the Preview view.
Example 3: highlighting rows of data
The following DataWindow object is an employee phone list for a company in
Massachusetts. Out-of-state (not in Massachusetts) employees are shown in
bold and preceded by two asterisks (**):
This DataWindow object uses newspaper columns. To understand how to
create this DataWindow object without highlighting data, see “Printing with
newspaper-style columns” on page 176.
In the Design view, the detail band includes four controls: the employee last
name, a comma, the employee first name, and the phone number: