Modifying general DataWindow object properties
176 DataWindow .NET
Printing with newspaper-style columns
When you define a DataWindow object, you can specify that it print in multiple
columns across the page, like a newspaper. A typical use of newspaper-style
columns is a phone list, where you want to have more than one column of
names on a printed page.
Use Print Preview to see the printed output
Newspaper-style columns are used only when the DataWindow object is
printed. They do not appear when a DataWindow object executes (or in
Preview). Therefore, to see them in DataWindow Designer, use Print Preview
in the DataWindow painter.
❖ To define newspaper-style columns for a DataWindow object:
1 Build a tabular DataWindow object with the data you want.
2 Select Properties from the DataWindow object's pop-up menu.
3 Select the Print Specifications tab.
Display Buttons - Print Select to display Button controls when you print the report.
The default is to hide them.
Clip Text Select to clip static text to the dimensions of a text field
when the text field has no visible border setting. The text is
always clipped if the text field has visible borders.
Override Print Job When you print a series of reports using the
PrintDataWindow, and PrintClose methods, all the reports
in the print job use the layout, fonts, margins, and other
print specifications defined for the computer. Select this
check box to override the default print job settings and use
the print settings defined for this report.
Collate Copies Select to collate copies when printing. Collating increases
print time because the print operation is repeated to
produce collated sets.
Print Preview Shows
Select to display a blue line that represents the margins in
Print Preview.
Newspaper Columns
Across and Width
If you want a multiple-column report where the data fills
one column on a page, then the second, and so on, as in a
newspaper, select the number and width of the columns in
the Newspaper Columns boxes. See "Printing with
newspaper-style columns" next.
Setting Description