CHAPTER 7 Working with Controls in DataWindow Objects
DataWindow Designer User’s Guide 223
The origin of rotation is the center of the top border of the box containing
the text. It is often helpful to use left-aligned text (General property
page>Alignment>Left) because it makes it easier to position the control
correctly. This example shows text centered within the control.
If the box that contains the text overlaps the border of the page or the
border of a label in a DataWindow object with the Label presentation style,
the origin of rotation is the center of the portion of the top border that is
within the page or label, and the portion that is outside the page or label is
cut off. This can cause the text in the box to run to a second line when it is
rotated. If you want the text to display close to the border, you can add one
or more line breaks (“~r~n”) before the text and adjust the size of the box.
6 To display the current rotation in Preview, close the Preview view and
reopen it (View>Preview on the menu bar).
7 Drag and drop the control in the Preview view or Design view until it is
where you want it.
8 In Design view, select the control that is being rotated, remove the
temporary border, and deselect the Moveable check box.