CHAPTER 7 Working with Controls in DataWindow Objects
DataWindow Designer User’s Guide 209
❖ To summarize values:
1 Select one or more columns in the DataWindow object’s detail band.
2 Select Insert>Control from the menu bar.
3 Select one of the options at the bottom of the cascading menu: Average,
Count, or Sum.
The same options are available at the bottom of the Controls drop-down
toolbar on the PainterBar.
DataWindow Designer places a computed field in the summary band or in
the group trailer band if the DataWindow object is grouped. The band is
resized automatically to hold the computed field. If there is already a
computed field that matches the one being generated, it is skipped.
❖ To insert a computed field for the current date or page number:
1 Select Insert>Control from the menu bar.
2 Select Today() or Page n of n from the options at the bottom of the
cascading menu.
The same options are available at the bottom of the Controls drop-down
toolbar on the PainterBar.
3 Click anywhere in the DataWindow object.
If you selected Today, DataWindow Designer inserts a computed field
containing this expression:
Today(). For Page n of n, the computed field
contains this expression:
'Page ' + page() + ' of ' + pageCount().
Adding custom
buttons that place
computed fields
You can add buttons to the PainterBar in the DataWindow painter that place
computed fields using any of the aggregate functions, such as
Max, Min, and
❖ To customize the PainterBar with custom buttons for placing computed
1 Place the mouse pointer over the PainterBar and select Customize from the
pop-up menu.
The Customize dialog box displays.
2 Click Custom in the Select palette group to display the set of custom
3 Drag a custom button into the Current toolbar group and release it.
The Toolbar Item Command dialog box displays.