CHAPTER 3 Managing the Database
DataWindow Designer User’s Guide 89
5 Click OK to return to the Specify Sort Columns dialog box with the
expression displayed.
If you change your mind
You can remove a column or expression from the sorting specification by
simply dragging it and releasing it outside the Columns box.
6 When you have specified all the sort columns and expressions, click OK.
Filtering rows
You can limit which rows are displayed by defining a filter.
The filters you define are for testing only and are not saved with the table or
passed to the DataWindow painter.
❖ To filter the rows:
1 Select Rows>Filter from the menu bar.
The Specify Filter dialog box displays.
2 Enter a boolean expression that DataWindow Designer will test against
each row:
If the expression evaluates to
TRUE, the row is displayed. You can paste
functions, columns, and operators in the expression.
3 Click OK.
DataWindow Designer filters the data. Only rows meeting the filter
criteria are displayed.