The Export/Import Template view for XML
388 DataWindow .NET
The Detail section contains the row data, and is generated iteratively for each
row in the DataWindow object.
The Detail Start
A line across the Export/Import Template view separates the Header section
from the Detail section. The first element after this line, d_dept_list_row in the
previous screenshot, is called the Detail Start element.
There can be only one Detail Start element, and it must be inside the
document’s root element. By default, the first child of the root element is the
Detail Start element. It usually wraps a whole row, separating columns across
rows. When the DataWindow is exported to XML, this element and all children
and/or siblings after it are generated iteratively for each row. Any elements in
the root element above the separator line are generated only once, unless the
DataWindow is a group DataWindow and the Iterate Group Headers check box
has been selected.
The Detail Start element can be a nested (or multiply-nested) child of an
element from the Header section, permitting a nested detail.
Moving the separator
You can change the location of the separator line by selecting the element that
you want as the Detail Start element and selecting Starts Detail from its pop-up
menu. The separator line is redrawn above the new Detail Start element. When
you export the data, the Detail Start element and the children and siblings after
it are generated iteratively for each row.
If no Detail Start element is specified (that is, if the Starts Detail option has
been deselected), the template has only a Header section. When you export the
data, only one iteration of row data is generated.