Defining a graph's properties
446 DataWindow .NET
Specifying axis properties
Graphs have two or three axes. You specify the axes' properties in the Axis
page in the graph's Properties view.
❖ To specify properties for an axis of a graph:
1 Select Properties from the graph's pop-up menu and then select the Axis
page in the Properties view.
2 Select the Category, the Value, or the Series axis from the Axis drop-down
If you are not working with a 3D graph, the Series Axis options are
3 Specify the properties as described next.
Specifying text
You can specify the characteristics of the text that displays for each axis. Table
15-9 shows the two kinds of text associated with an axis.
Table 15-9: Text types associated with each axis of a graph
For information on specifying properties for the text, see “Specifying text
properties for titles, labels, axes, and legends” on page 442.
Specifying datatypes
The data graphed along the Value, Category, and Series axes has an assigned
datatype. The Series axis always has the datatype String. The Value and
Category axes can have the datatypes listed in Table 15-10.
Table 15-10: Datatypes for Value and Category axes
DataWindow Designer automatically assigns the datatypes based on the
datatype of the corresponding column; you do not specify them.
Scaling axes
You can specify the properties listed in Table 15-11 to define the scaling used
along numeric axes.
Type of text Meaning
Text Text that identifies the values for an axis.
Label Text that describes the axis. You specify the label text in a painter.
You can use ~n to embed a new line within a label.
Axis Possible datatypes
Both axes (for scatter graph) Number, Date, Time
Value (other graph types) Number, Date, DateTime, Time
Category (other graph types) String, Number, Date, DateTime, Time