CHAPTER 14 Exporting and Importing XML Data
DataWindow Designer User’s Guide 415
Example 2
In this example, the elements are not contained in rows, but they still match the
DataWindow object.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Example 3
The comments and processing instructions in this example are not imported.
The nesting of the <first> and <last> elements within the <Name> element is
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- some comment -->
<row_element><?process me="no"?>105<name Title="Mr">
<!-- another comment -->
<row_element>148<name Title="Ms">
All three XML documents produce this result:
emp_id emp_fname emp_lname phone birth_date
105 Matthew Cobb 6175553840 04/12/1960
148 Julie Jordan 6175557835 11/12/1951