Sears 917.275223 Lawn Mower User Manual

Tragicaccidentscanoccurif the operator
is notalert to the presence of children.
Childrenare often attracted to the
machine and the mowing activity. Never
assume that childrenwill remain where
you last saw them.
Keep children out of the mowing area
and underthe watchfulcare of another
responsible adult.
Be alert and turn machine offif children
enter the area.
Before and when backing, look behind
and down for small children.
Never carry children. They may fall off
and be seriously injured or interfere
with safe machine operation.
Never allow children to operate the
Use extra care when approaching blind
comers, shrubs,trees, or other objects
that may obscure vision.
Use extra c_re in handling gasoline
and other fuels. They are flammable
and vapors are explosive.
- Use only an approved container.
-Never remove gas cap or add fuel
with the engine running. Allow
engine to cool before refueling. Do
oNever refuel the machine indoors.
-Never store the machine orfuel
container inside where there is an
open flame, such as a water heater.
Never run a machine inside a clesed
Keep nuts and bolts, especially blade
attachment bolts,tightand keep
equipment in good condition.
Never tamper with safety devices.
Check their proper operation regularly.
Keep machine tree of grass, leaves, or
other debris build-up. Clean oil or fuel
spillage. Allow machine to cool before
Stop and inspect the equipmentif you
stdke anobject. Repair, if necessary,
before restarting.
Never make adjustments or repairs
with the engine running.
Grass catcher components are subject
to wear, damage, and deterioration,
which could expose moving pads or
allow objects to be thrown. Frequently
check components and replace with
manufacturer's recommended parts,
when necessary.
Mower blades are sharp and can cut.
Wrap the btade{s) or wear gloves, and
use extra caution when servicingthem.
Check brake operation frequently.
Adjust and service as required.
Be sure the area is clear of other
people before mowing. Stop machine if
anyone enters the area.
Never carry passengers or chifdren
even with the blades off.
Do not mow in reverse unless abso-
lutely necessary. Always look down
and behind before and while backing.
Never can'y children.They may fall off
and be seriously injured orinterfere
with safe machine operation.
Keep childrenout of the mowing area
and underthe watchful care of another
responsible adult.
Be alert and turn machine off if children
enter the area.
Before and when backing, leek behind
and down for smait children.
Mow up and down slopes(15" Max),
Remove obstacles suchas rocks, tree
limbs, etc.
Watch for holes, ruts, orbumps.
Uneven terrain could overturn the
machine. Tall grass can hide obstacles.