Sears 917.275223 Lawn Mower User Manual

NOTE: Beforestarting,readthe warmand
6, Insert key into ignitionand rum key
clockwiseto =START" position and
release key as soon as engine starts.
Do not run starter continuouslyfor
more than fifteen seconds per minute.
If the engine does not start after
several attempts, push choke control
in,wait a few minutes end try again, if
engine stilldoes notstart, pullthe
choke control out and retry.
7. When engine starts, slowly push
choke control in untilthe engine
begins to run smoothly. If the engine
startsto run roughly,pullthe choke
control out slightlyfor a few seconds
and then continueto push the control
in slowly.
The attachmentsand groundddvecan
nowbeused.If_ enginedoesnotaccept
thoIoed,rostarttbeengineandallewit to
warmupforcoe minete usingthe choke
as dascri_edabove.
7. When engine starts,slowly push
choke control inuntil the engine
begins to run smoothly. Continue to
push the choke control in small steps
allowing the engine to accept small
changes in speed and load, untilthe
choke contrel is fullyin. If the engine
startsto runroughly,pullthe choke
control out slightlyfor a few seconds
and then continue to push the control
in slewty.This may require an engine
warm-up period from several seconds
to several minutes, depending on the
NOTE: In extreme cold conditions,if
engine will notstart you may need to
disengage the motion drive beltas
1. Be sure parking brake is engaged.
2. Remove retainer spdng from the drive
belt tension handle to relieve belt
3. Start engine and allow it to warm up
for three (3) minutes.
4. Shut-off engine and engage parking
5. Engage drive belt tension handle and
replace the retainer spring.
Before ddvingthe unit in cold weather,
the transmission should be warmed up as
1. Be sure the tractor is on level ground.
2. Place the motioncontrol lever in
neutral. Release the parking brake
and letthe brake slowly returnto
operating position.
3. A_ow one minute for transmission_.o
warm up. This can be done dudng the
engine warm up peded.
The attachments can be used dudng
the engine warm-up podod after the
transmission has been warmed up and
may require the choke controlbe
pulled out slightly.
NOTE: If at a high altitude (above 3000
feet) or in cold temperatures (below 32 F)
the carburetor fuel mixture may need to
be adjusted for best engine performance.
Service and Adjustmentssection of this
,_LCAUTION: Never engage or disen-
gage freewheel lever while the engine is
To ensure properoperation and perfor-
mance, it is recommendedthatthe
transmissioobe purgedbefore operating
tractorforthe firsttime.Thisprocedurewill
removeany trapped air insidethe trans-
missionwhich may have developed dudng
shipping ofyour tractor.
IMPORTANT: Should yourtransmission
require removal for service or replacement,
it shouldbe purgedafter reinstallation
before operatingthe tractor.
1. Place tractor safely on level surface
with engine off and parking brake set.
2. Disengage transmission by placing
freewheel control in freewheeling
position (See "TO TRANSPORT" in
this section of manual).
3. Sittingin the tractor seat, startengine.
After the engine is running, move
throttle control to slow position.
Disengage parking brake.
4. Move motion control lever to full
forward position and hold for five (5)
seconds. Move lever to full reverse
positionand hold for five (5) seconds.
Repeat thisprocedure three (3) times.
NOTE: Dudng this procedurethere willbe
no movement of drivewheels. The air is
being removed from hydraulledrive