Sears 917.275223 Lawn Mower User Manual

Before you operate and enjoy your new
tractor,we wish toassure that you receive
the best performance and satisfaction
from this Quality Product.
Please review the following checklist:
./'All assembly instructionshave been
./No remaining loose parts in carton.
,/Battery is prepedy prepared and
charged, (Minimum 1 hour at 6 amps).
,/Seat is adjusted comfortably and
tightened securely.
,/All tires are prepedy inflated. (For
shippingpurposes, the tires were
ovednfiated at the factory).
,/Be sure mower deck is properly leveled
side-to-side/front-to-rearfor best cutting
results. (Tires must be propedy inflated
for leveling).
,/Check mower and drive belts. Be sure
they are routed prepudy around pulleys
and inside all belt keepers.
,/Check widng. See that all connections
are still secure and wires are prepedy
,/Before drivingtractor, be sure free-
wheel controlis indrive position.
While learning how to use your tractor,
pay extraattention to the following
important items:
v" Engine oilis at proper level.
,/Fuel tank isfilled with fresh, clean,
regular unleaded gasoline.
,/Become familiarwith all controls- their
location and function. Operate them
before you startthe engine.
.4"Besure brake systemis in safe
operating condition.
,/It is importantto purge the transmission
beforeoperating yourtractor for the first
time. Follow proper starting and
transmission purging inst_ctions (See
TRANSMISSION" in the Operation
section of this manual).