Nikon 978-0-470-04527-5 Landscape Lighting User Manual

60 Part II Creating Great Photos with the Creative Lighting System
Using Speedlights
One of the most important tools you can
have for taking outdoor portraits is a
Speedlight. The best light to use is what
nature provides, but when taking photos of
people or pets outdoors, I almost always use
a Speedlight as a fill flash. Fill flash is using
the flash, not as your main source of lighting,
but as a secondary source to fill in the shad-
ows, resulting in an image with less contrast
between the shadows and the highlights.
Light diffusers or reflectors are important
tools to use for outdoor portraits, or macro
shots, but using a Speedlight outdoors for
those shooting situations is just as, if not,
more important. Advantages of using
Speedlights when taking shots outdoors
Creating a fill light. Using a
Speedlight when taking portraits
outdoors enables you to create a
properly lighted portrait where the
subject is lighted and exposed cor-
rectly, giving a more professional
looking effect as seen by comparing
the images in figure 3.11 and figure
3-12. Using a fill light can be the
difference between having your
image appear as a snapshot instead
of a professional looking portrait.
3.9 Direct flash can result in harsh results,
especially for portraits. Note the shadow
behind the model.
3.10 Diffused flash can result in a softer,
much smoother lighting for portraits.
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