Caveats Resolved in Release 4.0.5
Release Notes for VPN Client, Release 4.0 through Release 4.0.5.D
• CSCef15043
When connecting from the VPN Client to the VPN 3000 Concentrator, with
Cisco Pushed Policy enabled, the Firewall tab on the VPN Client is disabled
and is therefore unusable.
• CSCef50703
The VPN Client cannot load a certificate that has an incorrect value for the
CRL Distribution Point extension. Since this field is not used by the VPN
Client, it should ignore this field.
Caveats Resolved in Release 4.0.5
Release 4.0.5 resolves the following issues:
• CSCed13978
Rebranding of the Cisco VPN Client (4.0.3) does not update the VPN Client
title bar correctly and/or automatically. When the steps are followed, the VPN
Client installation creates a folder called oem.ini and then put the actual
"oem.ini" file within this folder.
The title bar is correctly rebranded if the oem.ini file is moved from the
previously mentioned directory to the C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\VPN
Client\ folder (which is the default client installation folder) or whatever
folder the client was installed on.
• CSCee22560
When the 4.0.3.F VPN Client is installed in a directory other than the default
(C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\VPN Client), the virtual adapter can not be
installed on Windows 2000 or Windows XP. The installation displays the
following error message:
Failed to install Cisco Network Adapter. Error: 0x3.
Please uninstall this client and try the install again.
• CSCee88153
If the connection profile uses certificates, the VPN Client requires users to
enter the CertSubjectName field in the profile. This happens to be fairly large,
something like: