SR20M/SR14M 10/03
Introduction Section 2-2
© 2004 Alamo Group Inc.
Your SR 20 is a medium-duty Cutter designed primarily for weed and grass control, brush up to 2" diameter,
and shredding row crops such as cotton and corn stalks. With proper maintenance as described in this
manual, your Cutter will provide you with years of dependable service with a minimum of repairs.
It is recommended that all operators of this implement read this manual or be instructed of its contents as
to safety, proper operation, and maintenance before beginning operation.
Your SR 20 has been assembled for operation with a specific tractor PTO input speed, either 540 or 1000
RPM. Should you desire to change PTO input speed, contact your local Servis-Rhino dealer who will assist
you in performing the necessary modifications. A different Driveline and set of Gears are required. Refer
to the Parts Section for Gearbox details. This machine is designed for use with tractors rated 75HP (56kW)
to 100 HP (75kW) for 540 RPM drive and a maximum of 140 HP (105kW) for 1000 RPM drive.
When ordering parts for the Gearboxes and the Drivelines, be sure to specify the PTO speed (540 or 1000
RPM) and the serial number. The serial number is located outside of the right Tongue attaching Plate on
the center Mainframe section.
Chain Guards are extra equipment. Deflectors, Driveline Integral Shields and Gearbox Shields are
standard equipment and to be used at all times.
To place the warranty into effect, fill out the warranty card in full, giving all the requested information, and
mail promptly. Be sure to give the serial number of this Cutter.
Note: Single wheels shown
are used for row-crop shred-