Alamo 803213C Lawn Mower User Manual

INTERSTATER 02/11 Maintenance Section 5-18
© 2011 Alamo Group Inc.
System will not operate in Oil supply low. Check oil level and fill.
either direction. Oil Filter clogged. Replace Filter Element.
Oil too heavy. Use proper viscosity oil.
Drive Coupling broken. Inspect Coupling for sheared Spline
Spline or Key.
System noisy. Air in system due to low oil level. Fill in reservoir to sight glass.
Loose Suction Line. Tighten Fittings.
Clogged Suction Filter. Replace Filter Element.
Internal Pump or Motor damage. Disassemble, inspect, and repair.
Sluggish response to Air in system. See Step 1A, 1B, 1C, 2B
acceleration Internal Pump or Motor wear Disassemble, inspect, and repair.
or damage.