
examples of
starting make import 236
teamcpak command for Gather 208
teamcpak command for NVBridge 217
writing a build script 153
expand keywords 20
extract action 7
Extract Parts window 62
extracting parts
an example of 62
authority needed 33
previous versions of 100
resulting build executable 192
versus checking out 33
family 6
family administrator responsibilities 12
definition of 10
states of
canceled state 43
closed state 44
design state 43
open state 43
return state 43
review state 43
size state 43
verify state 43
working state 43
working with 38
fhbopars.cmd, sample command file 178
teamc.log 22
filter windows for parts 27
finding objects 27
fix command
accepting fix records 87
completing fix records 87
reactivate 90
fix records
accepting 87
completing 87
moving back to active state 90
reactivating 90
when created 81
fix state 45
Fix Work Areas 89
Freeze Work Areas window 65
freezing work areas
examples of 65, 85
explanation of 28
full part tree 48
Gather tool
explanation of 205
packaging file
example of syntax 208
keywords for 209
specifying 206, 216
syntax rules for 208
writing 208
teamcpak command 205
accepting a defect 52
accepting fix records 87
accepting test records 96
accessing online help 21
adding driver member 88
approving the fix 81
building a driver 92
building parts 60
checking in part 58
checking out a part 55
closing a defect 70
committing driver changes into release 94
completing a driver 95
connecting builder to its parts 155
connecting parser to parts 178
creating a work area 53
creating parsers 175
extracting parts 62
fast path 19
freezing a work area 65
integrating a work area, concurrent development
integrating a work area, serial development 68
moving fix records back to active state 90
reactivating fix records 90
reassigning defect ownership 79
reconciling collisions 74
refreshing a driver 91
refreshing a work area, concurrent development
refreshing a work area, serial development 66
removing builder connection from parts 156
removing parser connection from parts 179
restricting a driver 93
returning work area to fix state 89
searching for parts 55
Settings notebook 20
starting 18
stopping 19
Tasks window 18
using 17
verifying a defect 70
326 User’s Guide