
Note: Alex follows these steps because he knows the exact name of the part that he is
checking in. If he does not know the name, or if he is checking in many parts, he
can instead do one of the following to display a list of parts:
v Select the entry on his Tasks window that displays the list of parts.
v Re-open the Parts window if it was previously minimized.
v Add an entry to his Tasks window that lists all of his checked-out parts.
He then selects the parts that he wants to check in.
From a command line, he issues the following command:
teamc part -checkin optics.c -release robot_control -workarea 456
Now the work area contains the following part versions:
brain.c leg.c
brain.obj leg.obj
brain.exe foot.c
Figure 28. Check In Parts window
84 User’s Guide