-o "string"
Specifies that the string listed in quotes be passed to the Tivoli Software
Distribution tool. For a list of possible flags to be passed, see “Command line
Specifies the files to be copied and the name of the package specification file.
You can specify this parameter in these ways:
v Specify the name of an include file, whose contents is a list of input files.
One of these input files must be a package specification file with the
extension .pkf. In this case, you must also specify the -i parameter.
v Specify a list of two or more files. One of the files must be a package
specification file with the extension .pkf.
v Specify the directory from which the files are to be copied and the name of
the package specification file.
If more than one package file is listed, the first package file on the command
line or in the include file is used, and the others are treated as ordinary files.
The following are examples of specifying input files.
teamcpak -i softdist myInputFile
teamcpak softdist d:\inputDir\myPkfFile.pkf inputFile1 inputFile2...
Command line flags
You can specify the following flags in the teamcpak command, using the -o parameter.
All of these flags are optional.
-a Create directories on the target.
-c Clear the target (delete all specified files and directories) before the apply. If
you use this option, do not use the -x option.
-t Overwrite existing files (delete specified files on the target prior to distribution).
-m Accept input errors, such as missing files and directories from the SOURCE
-n Send no notices to Tivoli. If you want to post Tivoli notices, you must configure
Tivoli Notices before using this packaging tool.
-p Preview only; do not actually distribute files.
-r Reboot the target after distribution.
-x If an error occurs, leave any distributed files on the target; do not clean up. If
you use this option, do not use the -c option.
-k Keep the Tivoli file package. To enable the Tivoli Software Distribution tool to
perform more efficiently, the Tivoli Software Distribution package file is created
when the package part is created and then destroyed and recreated whenever
the part is modified. Use the -k option to prevent the package file from being
216 User’s Guide