developers” on page 261, you must also import the configuration map called VAGen
ENVY/TC Bridge, as described in the previous steps.
8. Select the OK pushbutton to initiate the import process. During the process of
importing the TCEMBR.DAT file into the VisualAge Smalltalk Pro manager.dat file,
the System Transcript window will issue a message stream that confirms the
success of the import.
9. In the Configuration Maps Browser window, select ENVY/Manager-
TeamConnection Bridge from the Names list.
10. Select the item (there should only be one available) in the Editions and Versions
11. Select all of the items in the Applications list, click mouse button 2, and select
Load from the pop-up menu.
Note: For the additional interoperability with VisualAge Generator described in
“Using the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge: a simple scenario for
VisualAge Generator developers” on page 261, you must also load VAGen
ENVY/TC Bridge, as described in the two previous steps.
ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge
must be loaded first
12. After the application loading progress dialog completes without errors, the
ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge should be functional. You can close the
Configuration Maps Browser window at this time.
Testing the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge
To verify that the bridge is active and ready for ENVY component export/import
functions, follow these steps:
1. Go to the System Transcript window and select the Tools pulldown menu. Then
select Default Properties from the TeamConnection Bridge cascade menu. This
will display the Default Properties notebook.
2. Verify that the TeamConnection family in the Family field on the Context page of
the Default Properties notebook is appropriate for your project. You may need to
coordinate your access to the family with your family administrator.
3. Select the Test Server pushbutton. If the bridge is properly configured, the server
connection test will return an information window that provides server-specific
information. Select the OK pushbutton to dismiss the server information window.
You are now ready to export ENVY components to a TeamConnection server.
Note: When exiting VisualAge for Smalltalk Pro - Client, you should save your image
so that the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge will be preserved for future
254 User’s Guide