
teamcpak [-i] [-o "String"] gather Input_file...
-i Specifies that only one
is specified in the command: an include file
containing the list of input files. This parameter is optional.
If you specify -i, it must precede the gather flag.
-o " String"
Specifies that the string listed in quotes be passed to the Gather tool. The
opening quote must be followed by a blank. For a list of possible flags to be
passed, see “Command line flags”.
This parameter is optional. If you do not specify -o, the default settings for the
tool are used.
If you specify -o, it must precede the gather flag.
gather Specifies the tool to be invoked. If you specify -i or -o, they must precede this
Specifies the files to be copied and the name of the package specification file.
You can specify this parameter in these ways:
v Specify the name of an include file, whose contents is a list of input files.
One of these input files must be a package specification file with the
extension .pkf. In this case, you must also specify the -i parameter.
v Specify a list of two or more files. One of the files must be a package
specification file with the extension .pkf.
v Specify the directory from which the files are to be copied and the name of
the package specification file.
If more than one package file is listed, the first package file on the command
line or in the include file is used, and the others are treated as ordinary files.
Command line flags
You can specify the following flags in the teamcpak command, using the -o parameter.
All of these flags are optional. If you do not specify a flag, the teamcpak command runs
using defaults.
-a Assume that the target tree structure might not exist. If a required directory
does not exist, create it and continue processing.
This flag cannot be specified if the -t flag is specified.
If neither -a nor -t is specified, the default is to assume that the desired tree
structure already exists. No verification is performed to confirm that the
directories exist. If they do not, the condition is detected while the package file
rules are being processed. If you stop the teamcpak command, some target
directories might contain updated files.
206 User’s Guide