
concurrent development
definition of 51
example of 34, 70
how to work in 31
reconciling differences in no-track process 73
reconciling differences in tracking process 89
configuration management 3
processes 97
connect function 31
create action 6
Create Builder 147
Create Parser 175
Create Parts window 185
Create Work Areas window 54
DEBUG 153, 154
defect command
accepting 53
closing 70
modifying ownership 79
verifying 70
accepting 52, 80
approving the fix 81
closing 69
definition of 10
designing 78
reassigning ownership 79
reviewing 78
sizing 78
states of
canceled state 43
closed state 44
design state 43
open state 43
return state 43
review state 43
size state 43
verify state 43
working state 43
verifying 69
working with 38
delta file tree 48
dependencies on a build
defining through parsers 131
viewing through a build tree 133
dependent part 31
design, size, review process 78
design changes 38
design state 43
development mode 32
differences in parts
reconciling in no-track process 73
differences in parts
reconciling in tracking process 89
driver command
committing a driver 95
completing a driver 95
refreshing driver 92
restricting driver 94
driver member 88
driverMember command
adding driver members 88
building 92
committing changes into release 94
completing 95
definition of 9
preparing for formal test 95
refreshing 91
states of
commit state 48
complete state 48
integrate state 47
restrict state 48, 93
working state 47
versioning 37
edit action 7
Edit Task List window 56
editing parts 34
environment variables 227
setting 234
setting before invoking MVS build script 164
setting before invoking OS/2 build script 151
setting before invoking Windows NT build script 151
setting for command line usage 22
setting for GUI usage 20
examples of
build components on separate machines 137
build script for an MVS compile 168
build script for an MVS link 171
build tree 134
building an application 181
client/server network 4
component hierarchy 7
concurrent development 70
display of a build tree 188
executable file for a build script 153
following a no-track process 51
following a tracking process 77
listing work areas in a release 100
retrieving past part versions 97
rules file 238
serial development 51
showing part/release/component relationship 8