Setting up your project options ..................241
Using your TeamConnection Workframe project ............242
Project actions ......................242
Part actions.......................243
Using your project: a simple scenario ................244
Appendix E. Enabling a Workframe/NT project for TeamConnection ....245
Setting up your project options: ..................245
Using your TeamConnection WorkFrame project ............246
Project actions .......................246
Part actions........................247
Appendix F. Enabling and Using the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge 249
Overview of the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge .........249
Scope of this documentation ..................250
Description of the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge........250
Preparing to use the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge ........251
Setting up the bridge environment ................252
Installing and activating the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge ....253
Using the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge ...........255
Setting default properties ...................255
Exporting ENVY components to TeamConnection ...........258
Importing ENVY components from TeamConnection ..........260
Using the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge: a simple scenario for
VisualAge Generator developers.................261
Scenario assumptions ....................261
Exporting ENVY components to TeamConnection ...........262
Object mapping in TeamConnection ...............263
Build generation ......................263
Making a change to a member .................265
Appendix G. Source Code Control User’s Guide ...........267
Differences between other source code control providers and TeamConnection . . 267
Projects vs Families.....................267
Installing the TeamConnection source code control DLL .........268
Connecting TeamConnection to an IDE ...............269
Removing the TeamConnection Source Code Control DLL ........269
Using TeamConnection as your source code control provider ........269
Before you start ......................269
Opening a project .....................270
Integrated features .....................270
Full features of TeamConnection ................271
Appendix H. Supported expandable keywords ............275
Appendix I. Authority and notification for TeamConnection actions ....277
Appendix J. Sample REXX execs, build scripts, and parsers .......301
Sample REXX execs .....................301
viii User’s Guide