To use the builder from a previous release, you can link to a part that uses it in
the previous release. This action copies the builder to the new release.
Otherwise, you must create it again in the new release.
Script, File type, and Source file
These fields work together to define the build script that the builder invokes to
accomplish the transformation. (The File type field on the GUI corresponds to
-text, -binary, and -none in the command. The Source file field on the GUI
corresponds to the -from attribute in the command.)
You must first create a separate file containing the build script. All MVS build
scripts must be written using JCL statements and the TeamConnection syntax
described in “Writing an MVS build script” on page 163. You can store the build
script one of two ways:
v To store the build script as part of the builder: specify the fully qualified
path name of your build script file as the source file, and specify the file type
as text. When the builder is created, this source file is stored as part of it in
the TeamConnection database.
During a build, the build server creates and runs a local version of this file.
Specify the name you want for this local file in the Script field. For example,
you might specify these values:
File type
Script fhbc
Source file
When this builder is created, the contents of C:\build\script\fhbc.jcl are
stored in the builder. When this builder is invoked, TeamConnection creates
a file named FHBC in the data set referenced by the TEAMPROC ddname,
writes the build script into this file, and then runs it.
v To store the build script on MVS: create the build script file and place it in
the data set allocated to the TEAMPROC ddname in the RUNPGM JCL file.
When you do this, specify the following attributes:
File type
Script fhbc
Do not specify a source file.
v If the builder is being used to only collect a set of build objects (for example,
a VisualAge Generator collector part), specify these values:
File type
Script null
Chapter 13. Working with MVS build scripts and builders 161